Posted By: Jet Park Hotels - 10 Mar, 2022
Apart from doing the usual stuff such as drinking more water, less caffeine, going for a walk, getting outside and taking a break from the computer, there is also something you can do sitting at your desk called brain games.
The left-side of your brain controls language and reasoning skills whereas the right-side controls visual skills and orientation.
There are some brain gym games that uses both sides in a different way therefore effectively waking up the brain and enabling you to continue working for the rest of the day in a productive fashion.
The first exercise is close both hands into fists and then on the left hand open the first two fingers and the right hand open the first finger. Swap actions on each hand – left hand has first finger and right hand has first two fingers. Once mastered, speed up. This exercise activates both right and left brain.
The second exercise is to make both hands into fists, and then on the left hand open the first two fingers and the right hand open the first finger, but touch both fingers on your left hand with your finger on the right hand. Swap actions on each side and repeat – left hand has first finger and right hand has first two fingers, touch both fingers on your right hand with your finger on the left hand. This exercise improves concentration and focus.
The third exercise is to make both hands into fists facing towards each other. Then at the same time, open each hand flat on a table, turn each hand on side, and then back into a fist. Repeat, and then speed up once mastered. This exercise improves memory power.
Last exercise is to make a fist on left hand, and lay hand flat on right hand. At the same time, swap over and make fist on right hand and lay hand flat on left side. Repeat and speed up once mastered. This exercise strengths the mind.
Would love to hear your feedback if these work for you at